Be a Relationship Marketing Superhero, Not a Villain

Pro Motion Blog

With great power comes great responsibility.

Just so we’re clear, while I’m alluding to him, I’m not writing directly about a grown man who runs around the city in Spandex (spoiler alert: this is going to be a metaphor for how event marketing data collection should be used for good, not for evil).

The Amazing Spider-Man can teach us oh-so-much, especially that there is a fine line between good and evil. But there is also a clear distinction once you’ve crossed that line. If an event attendee puts her inherent trust in you by giving you an email address, a phone number or even more of her information, it is your responsibility to use that power for good.

Don’t be the villain that takes the personal information of innocent people and creates junk mail, spam or telemarketing lists with it. No one likes that guy, and no one trusts that guy. Trust is a 2-way street in relationship marketing, and if that’s really what you’re after with your consumers, then you need to protect the citizens who put their trust in you.

The experiential marketing world needs more superheroes because the villains make it harder for all of us.