5 Principles of a Successful Mobile Marketing Tour

Pro Motion Blog

LA 1.jpgWhen companies have a new product to launch, are looking to reinvigorate a brand, or want to stand out among the competition, one of the most effective tactics in a smart marketer’s arsenal is a mobile marketing tour.

Since 1995 we have been creating, developing and managing hundreds of mobile marketing tours with some of the most powerful brands in the marketplace like Disney, CNN, Campbell’s, Gatorade and more.  Over these years we have learned there are 5 critical factors you must follow to maximize your results when considering incorporating a mobile marketing tour as a part of your marketing mix.

1. Establish Objectives & Goals

Setting goals based on your brand’s marketing objectives is of crucial importance for yourmobile marketing tour.   Always begin with the end in mind; knowing your objectives before taking action will ensure victory in the end when evaluating the success of your marketing tour.

2. Design and Create the Experience

Another key ingredient to a successful mobile marketing tour is designing and creating an experience that will build a deep emotional connection with consumers.  Selecting a trusted agency partner with a game plan in place for creative development and a smooth activation process is imperative to your program’s overall success.

3. Get the Right Ambassadors on the Bus

You must have a team of passionate, enthusiastic, and well-informed brand ambassadors out there to support consumers as they engage in the experience. Taking the time to exclusively train your brand ambassadors is not an option; it is a requirement. Choosing the perfect personality to represent your brand is essential, and keeping ambassadors informed throughout the activation will make your mobile marketing tour an amazing success!

4. Integrate Marketing Campaigns

Let’s face it, launching a new product is one of the toughest tasks brands face today.  Getting noticed is difficult enough, but being remembered can feel virtually impossible.  To create a strong brand message it is key that all channels of the marketing department work together.  Whether your focus is on launching a new product, promoting a sale or trying to generate buzz, all messaging should highlight a cohesive brand statement.

5. Measure the Effect

The outcome of your mobile marketing tour is dependent on your ability to measure its effectiveness. Figuring out what to measure is among the most important strategic components of the entire program (it’s also among the most difficult).  Measuring ROI requires expertise and a deep understanding of the possible outcomes desired. A mobile marketing tour can be measured in many ways, but finding the right measurement is what will matter when you’re able to tell your CEO that 3Million consumers “liked” your brand on facebook after experiencing your events.

Every detail is important when building a mobile marketing tour from scratch. We have to consider how to design an experience that will deliver the results our clients need, at a budget they can afford. If you are considering a mobile marketing tour or have questions about how to get started

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